Wednesday was probably the most important day of the week. We all gathered in the assembly hall, Jette and another teacher said a few words about internalisation and globalisation and then we divided into groups and each group was supposed to produce something.
Me and Katka were in the group that dealt with English Teaching. We were talking about stereotypes and prejudices and how to include international issues in language teaching. It was quite nice lesson but I was really disappointed because people in my group kept talking nearly all the time, although it was supposed to be an English lesson.:( And its really a stupid feeling when you are the only one who does not understand the language and cannot participate.
In the afternoon we presented our products from those workshops and also introduced our universities to other students. Some people were really surprised how big, modern and nice our university is. That`s probably because of the fact that some people still think that the Czech Republic is somewhere between Russia and Ukraine.:))
On Thursday we were supposed to have P. E., but Jacob was ill and we had literature with Pascal instead. It was quite nice, we were talking about books for children, how you can use them in your lessons and we were talking about some books which encourage internalisation.
Then we went to Ribe - we visited the Viking Museum and did a sightseeingtour in the town. It was great. We also bought some delicious pastry and I must say that the Danes are really good at baking.
In the evening at Student Cafe there was Eurovision Song Contest. Every country prepared a special song and some dancing, there were 3 judges and just one winner - Belgian Girls. But I helped them win because in the course of their dance they asked me to joing them.:) Our Czech group prepared a Czech-English song. We used a folk song for children and translated it into English and then Katka sang in Czech and Vojta in English. But we were so nervous before our performance. I don`t want to be a professional singer anymore, because it`s so stressful.
Friday was the day of saing goodbye to International Students. We had music in the morning and practised "Let It Be" , the other group finished their pocket films. Then we performed the song and then watched those films. They were all great and very funny. After films there was a Danish buffet - so many wonderful dishes - fish, pork, vegetables, pate... But buffet is quite dangerous to your health because you want to taste everything and then you are really stuffed.
But I find out that food is an international topic, because I talked about food with international students and you can talk food for hours and it is still pretty interesting.
Then we had to say goodbye and it was really very sad.:( We met a few international students in the evening in Cafe, but most of them had already left. Saing goodbye is always the worst part.